Green Theatre Guide
April 22, 2013

The plan is for anyone working in the theatre industry, from small independent production companies and arts venues, to large groups of commercial theatres. This plan aims to guide you through some of the most practical and effective ways to reduce y…

Green Screen Guide
April 22, 2013

"The film, television and commercial industries are estimated to directly contribute an income of £13.6 billion to London’s economy. However, influence goes far beyond this, as they arguably have an unparalleled opportunity to influence the gene…

Green Orchestra Guide
April 22, 2013

"A practical and basic guide for orchestras, commissioned by ABO and Orchestras Live and authored by Julie’s Bicycle, that addresses the environmental impacts of the work they do: from office-based work to marketing and rehearsals.""A…

Green Music Guide
April 22, 2013

"The Green Music Guide is a ‘how-to’ for music companies and individuals interested in greening their activities – from touring to offices, recording studios to festivals. The Guide shows how the industry can meet London’s ambitious emission red…

Green Mobility Guide
April 22, 2013

"Europe’s first Green Mobility Guide for the Performing Arts, providing environmental guidance for touring European theatre companies and venues.""Europe’s first Green Mobility Guide for the Performing Arts, providing environmental gui…

The ISAN Environmental Sustainability Toolkit for Outdoor Arts
April 22, 2013

The ISAN Environment Sustainability Toolkit was commissioned by ISAN and authored by Julie’s Bicycle, with support from Arts Council England. The Toolkit focuses on practical achievable measures and highlights examples of good practice from case stud…

IG Tools
April 22, 2013

"The IG Tools are a set of carbon calculators designed by Julie’s Bicycle specifically for the creative industries. Carbon calculators allow us to understand where our environmental impacts lie. Measuring our impacts enables us to create effecti…

Wear Your Music
April 22, 2013

"Wear Your Music is a music merchandise company that strives to hit all the right notes. With a philanthropic and environmental vision, our merchandise is divided into three product categories: the Artist Bracelet project, the Rock Recycled proj…

April 22, 2013

"TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste. We do this by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and start sending us w…

Theatre Development Fund Costume Collection
April 22, 2013

"The TDF Costume Collection houses more than 75,000 professionally designed costumes and accessories. Not-for-profit performing arts companies, educational institutions and other charitable groups across the country can rent these items at low c…